Sub-Conscious Creation

My body functions sub-consciously.

My sub-conscious mind manages all the functions of my body.

My physical health is a reflection of how well my body functions sub-consciously.

Whatever my mind produces sub-consciously is beneficial to the function of my body.

Bacteria & Viruses are employed by my body in its natural process of cleansing.

What my conscious mind believes to be detrimental, my sub-conscious mind has created for a beneficial purpose.

My sub-conscious programmes are stored in my genes as a result of my conscious experiences of life.

I have not been born to be unhealthy.

Being unhealthy is the result of my beliefs and my programmes that I hold sub-consciously in my genes.

I sub-consciously create in my body a reality that is in alignment with my genetic programming.

My genetic make-up is a reflection of my sub-conscious programming.

My sub-conscious programming is a reflection my conscious experiences .

My Reality is a Sub-Conscious Creation of what I consciously believe and declare to be real.

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