States Of Injustice

States of Injustice are caused by the acts of being judgmental, prejudiced or discerning.

Judgment is deciding whether someone or something is good or bad, right or wrong for me.

I judge someone’s behaviour to be guilty or innocent based on my opinions, beliefs & convictions.

Prejudice is a pre-judgment based on sex, age, gender preference, colour, race, creed, culture or faith.

It is judging someone on their assumed behaviour because of their perceived character or beliefs.

Discernment is deciding whether someone or something is energetically attractive, unattractive or repulsive based on the polarity or gender of their energy vibration.

Judgment judges behaviour, prejudice prejudges character, discernment judges energetic attraction & personality.

They are all states of injustice based on a perception of false evidence appearing to be real.

The false belief or fear is that if someone is unlike me, I will dislike them, hate them or loathe them.

Conversely, I can only like people who are like me and like me.

I judge with my ears, I pre-judge with my eyes, I discern with my sense of taste, touch, smell, instinct, intuition & feeling.

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