Standards & Attainments

A Standard is a level of behaviour that has been achieved and is regularly expressed.

An Attainment is a level of Being that has been attained and can be consciously chosen.

I act or react according to my standards of behaviour. My standards are the level of behaviour that I find acceptable.

Who I am being whilst I am doing what I am doing is determined by my level of attainment.

The emotional state of being that I have attained will determine my power to choose how or what I do and the standard to which I do it.

The higher my level of attainment, the more power I have to consciously choose what I want to occur and how I choose to respond to that which is occurring.

My standards are a ‘have to’. They are the standard to which I believe that I have to aspire.

With the attainment of sufficient power, I have the ability to choose my actions and my responses in each and every moment. I no longer have to conform to any standard.

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