Spiritually Open

By the age of 5 years most children have closed down their awareness of spirit.

They have forgotten their spiritual origins and lost their spiritual awareness.

They have learned a physical perspective of life and experience their life through 5 physical senses only.

Their intuitive senses have become lost.

A few children do choose to remain spiritually open.

They remain aware of their spiritual origins and connected to their intuitive spiritual senses.

They see the world from a spiritual, energetic perspective rather than a physical, material perspective.

Keeping one’s spiritual awareness of energy open makes it very difficult to ground this energy in the physical world.

It is for this reason that mostly children choose a purely grounded existence and forget their spiritual nature in favour of their physical nature.

At school, the education system discourages intuition in favour of rational logical thinking.

Intuitively open spirituality is not acceptable in rational learning institutions of main stream education.

Religious theology is in no way comparable to intuitive personal spirituality.

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