Spiritual Roles

The Redeemer is: Sensitively-Exclusive

Sensitive to the reality of others, whilst redeeming my own ideal world in which to live my own exclusive life.

The Teacher is: Emotionally-Rational

A student of the rational, scientific, physical world; and a student of the emotional, energetic, spiritual world.

The Overcomer is: Sensitively-Rational

Sensitive to the opposing dualities of life and able to rationally discover a third way of being, in order to overcome the dual realities.

The Comforter is: Emotionally-Detached

To comfort others, I am required to be detached and stand in my own power whilst sharing my emotional power in a positive and expansive way.

The Healer is: Sensitively-Detached

Sensitively aware of the energetic emotional disposition of others, yet able to be transparent to and detached from their problems and mis-alignment.

The Messiah is: Exclusively Connected

Connected to and hearing my own exclusive messages that inspire, empower, enlighten and reveal my own personal path of expansive growth.

The Saviour is: Exclusively, Rationally and Detachedly-Connected

Exclusively connected to my Soul, whilst being rationally conscious of my Self, yet detached from all other people energetically.

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