Spiritual Harmony

Spiritual Harmony allows my body, mind & emotions to be in balance & unity.

To bring my body, mind & emotions into balance, I am required to first balance my mind and then balance my emotions, so that I am then able to balance my mind & emotions within my body.

A balanced Mind has a congruent frequency that has overcome the duality of positive & negative thinking.

A distinctly positive or negative polarity of thought will take my mental frequency of energy out of alignment & balance.

A balanced Emotional State of Being has a harmonious wavelength that is neither predominantly male nor exclusively female.

A distinctly male or female gender of emotion will take my emotional wavelength of energy out of balance & harmony.

Mental balance is called wisdom, authority or Light.

Emotional balance is called wealth, power or Love.

With mental & emotional harmony, my wisdom & wealth, my power & authority and my Love & Light create a healthy ability to live Life to the full in a balanced physical Body.

I am then fully connected, both grounded & earthed, in the Physical World with Spiritual Harmony.

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