Spiritual Discernment

When judgment and discernment have no distinction, then discernment is my judgment of what is right or wrong for me.

When judgment is a discernment of what is right or wrong for others and discernment is a judgment of what is right or wrong for me, then there is no distinction between the two. Discernment is still a judgment and judgment is a discernment.

To Discern is not to judge, it is to ‘See’.

When I discern with my physical sight, I spot or pick out something in my field of vision.

When I Discern with my spiritual sense of seeing, I see what is right for me with acceptance not judgment.

With my spiritual Discernment, I see what is the right path for me.

With spiritual Discernment, I see with the eyes of my Soul.

My Soul does not see anything that is wrong or bad for my Self.

My Soul sees, creates and discerns the right path for my Self.

My Soul is incapable of discerning a wrong path for my Self because my Soul is incapable of judgment.

With my sense of spiritual Discernment, there is no wrong path and I am never off-track.

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