Spiritual Chemistry

Spiritual Chemistry is the Law of Attraction in action.

Physical atoms of matter attract similar atoms of matter because they have like energy.

Like energy at the atomic level is determined by the spin of the proton, the orbit of the electrons and the rotation of the atom.

The spiritual building blocks of life is energy in motion, which is emotional.

Like energy in motion unto itself is drawn.

Like wavelengths of emotion are mutually attractive.

Unlike or different wavelengths are non-attractive.

Opposing genders of wavelength are the attraction of opposites.

Opposing polarities of the same frequency are unattractive & repulsive.

The emotional chemistry between men & women is the chemistry of their spiritual energy conforming to the Law of Attraction.

The physical body secretes chemical hormones relative to the emotional experience of a situation, the mental belief about that particular experience and the spiritual chemistry that is occurring.

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