Spiritual Beingness

Spiritual Beingness is a triune reality of being mental, physical & emotional.

My Spirituality is a combination of my mentality, my emotionality & my physicality.

A mental being expresses rational male energy.

An emotional being expresses sensitive female energy.

A spiritual being is able to express rational & emotional intelligence as a physical human being.

Spiritual beingness expresses physical consciousness with emotional awareness.

I can be a rational human being exploring a physical reality as a scientist.

I can be an emotional human being exploring a spiritual reality as a minister.

I can be an emotionally rational human being exploring my own physical reality as a spiritual being.

Being spiritual is not an action or a behaviour or a role that I play but a state of being that attains conscious-awareness of who I am.

It is Consciousness being conscious of its mentality, aware of its emotionality and consciously-aware of its physical reality in a state of Spiritual Beingness.

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