Specific Gravity

Gravity is specifically relative to the density of matter.

The density of matter is relative to its specific gravity.

Gravity is the effect of the density of energy on matter.

The density of matter is the mass of its unit volume.

Matter has density, energy has vibration.

The density of energy is determined by its vibration.

Density is relative to matter, whereas gravity is specific to energy.

An anti-gravity machine requires an anti-matter perspective.

Anti-matter is a vibration of pure energy.

Anti-gravity is the non-attractive quality of unlike vibrations of energy.

Vibrations of energy are non-attractive by virtue of their unlike frequency & wavelength.

Whereas relative density is the mass of a unit volume of matter, gravity is the attractive force of a specific wavelength of energy.

Matter has a relative density, whereas energy has an absolute density that is experienced as its specific gravity.


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