Soul Mates

My Soul Mate is like me and attractive.

I am attracted to and see my soul mate as very attractive.

I share the same vibrational energy as my soul mate.

Our energy vibrates on the same wavelength and frequency.

I share the same attributes and attainments as my soul mate.

At the level of our Monadic Soul, I am at one with my soul mate.

When born into physical reality, I developed my own personality and character that is determined by my beliefs and my emotional needs.

My beliefs and my needs determine the polarity and the gender of my thoughts and my emotions.

My soul mate will often assume an opposing role in our life, to create the dramas that will realise the opportunities for me to develop and grow in my spiritual attainment.

My soul mate is there for me, to guide me on my path, to align me with my messages, help me learn my lessons and to ensure that I fulfill my vision for this life-time.

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