Solving Problems, Fighting Fear, Relieving Pain

Solving Problems, Fighting Fear & Relieving Pain are all negative strategies designed to overcome intense personal dramas. These strategies are negative because they are all a short term fix, not a permanent remedy.

The Permanent Remedy for Problems, and the dramas they cause, is to become problem-free. I will never become problem-free by trying to solve all of my problems. Focusing on problems attracts more problems. The more I see problems in my life, the more I attract a problematic life. The only permanent solution is to see everything in life as an opportunity. When everything in life is an opportunity, there are no problems to solve and I am problem free.

The Permanent Remedy for Fear, and the trauma it causes, is to become fear-free. I will never become fear free by fighting my fear, so courage & bravery are a negative strategy. What I fear most is losing the fight and becoming a victim of my own fear. The more fearful I am, the more I attract what I fear and the more intense my fearful negative experiences become. Becoming fear free requires me to confront the false beliefs that are sponsoring my fears, without conflict. When I embrace the opportunity to overcome fear, there is no fight, so there is no conflict. What I am in conflict with is the false truth of the belief that is causing my fear. When I confront the fear by challenging the belief, I can change the belief and embrace a new beneficial belief that truly serves me. When I am served with only true & beneficial beliefs, there is no fear and I am fear free because I am following my own Truth, by owning it.

The Permanent Remedy for Pain, and the depression it causes, is to become pain-free. I will never become pain free by relieving my pain. Relieving pain means reliving pain. No matter how much pain relief I take, the pain always returns. Becoming addicted to pain relief is very emotionally depressing and painful. Becoming pain free requires the emotional intelligence to realise that pain is the absence of emotional power. Pain is the consequence of a fearful & problematic life because I waste my emotional energy solving problems and I drain my emotional energy being anxious, worried & fearful about all the problems that I cannot solve. In the absence of owning my own Truth and knowing my own intuitive path of opportunity, I am disempowered from my own source of emotional power; which is a pain. When I realise that pain is emotional, not physical, I can learn to express only the emotional attributes that empower me and allow me to be permanently pain free. The Truth is that Inspired Opportunities are always Empowered.

Inspiration is fear-free, Empowerment is pain-free & Opportunities are problem-free. Being empowered with inspired opportunities is a permanently beneficial strategy.

Simple, but not easy!

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