
Solitude is a quality of a studious Soul. It allows the Soul space & time to study the reality of its Self.

Solitude allows the communion of the Self with its Soul, to allow the Soul to learn about its Self. It allows a study of the Soul by its Self.

Solitude is the mental state of inner peace that overcomes the noisy chatter of an overactive ego.

Solitude is distinct from loneliness, which is the feeling of being isolated from whomever meets one’s emotional needs.

Solitude of the Soul is an aloneness of an individual Self, which allows the feeling of all-oneness of the Self with its Soul. In the solitude of the communion with my Soul, I know that I am never alone and I am never lonely.

I can choose to be disconnected and lonely in a crowd, isolated and alone by myself or I can choose to share the solitude of my empowered Soul.

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