Shrinking From My Truth

Shrinking from my Truth inhibits my spiritual growth. My spiritual path unfolds in alignment with my Truth and it shrinks in the presence of my deceit. I deceive myself with that which is not in alignment with my true path. Any distortion of my truth is a deceit.

When a tumour appears in my physical reality, it is physically real but it is not spiritually true. I am in receipt of a deceit and a conceit. A deceit is the conceit of a false concept that is conceived to be real. In truth, the fact is that a tumour is a reality that is conceived from an untruth.

A tumour is a fact, not a fiction, that is real not surreal, physical not spiritual; yet it is untrue because it is the affect of a false perspective of what is true. A tumour lies in the body or lies on the body as a present reminder of what is untrue in one’s life. It appears in the right place at the right time to allow healing to occur.

A tumour is the realisation in physical form of the false formation of a mental belief. I am the cause of my own physical form. When the truth of a tumour is concealed by false information, the truth of a tumour cannot be revealed. I reveal the truth about my tumour when I see the opportunity that is beneficially growing in my present reality.

  • When I see a present growth as a problem, then my tumour is malignant
  • When I see an opportunity for expansive learning, then my growth is beneficially benign

I have a choice between the perspective of a physical problem and the perception of a spiritual opportunity for growth. Confronting a physical problem with the concept of a spiritual opportunity is not for the faint hearted.

I can feign a solution to a problem or take a present opportunity. When I feign a solution, I dilute the problem and the opportunity becomes faint. When I am enlightened by an opportunity, I perceive my truth, the light is not faint and my truth is not feint. I feint with deceit until I follow with faith. I faint from fear, I feint with fear and I follow with faith.

“Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real”

A tumour is the apparent reality of an evident falsehood, which is to be feared. It is both the cause of fear and the affect of fear. It is real but it is not true. It remains a fact until it shrinks into a fiction. It is part of a story that I have made up about myself, which is fleetingly real but not actually true.

All opportunities in life are a really true fact. All problems in life are really an untrue fiction being experienced as a temporary personal reality.

My opportunity for spiritual growth may be perceived by others as the growth of a physical problem that requires their solution.

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