Sharing Perspective

Sharing Perspective is sharing the same reality.

I can only share my perspective of life with someone who has that same perspective of life to share with me.

A different perspective of life creates a different reality for each perceiver.

Expecting someone with a different perspective of life to share my perspective of life, is arrogance.

I cannot divide my perspective of life and give half to someone else.

We all have choice and we all make different choices.

We all have different thoughts, which create different realities and different perspectives of reality.

Sharing my perspective requires me to communicate my perspective to another, receive their perspective from them and then compare any similarity.

We all create and live in different realities, yet still share the similar aspects of our reality that have the same perspective.

Changing someone else’s reality is not an option.

Changing my own perspective takes but an instant to create a new instant of reality, instantly.

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