Sharing my Life

When I share my life with another, it is a joy.

When I share my life with another, it is an expression of how fulfilled my life is.

Unless I am content with my life, I would not choose to share it with another.

Why would I choose to share my displeasure, my unfulfilment or my discontent with someone else.

When I share my partner’s life with them, I cannot be happy.

Sharing someone else’s life is never fulfilling.

I am never content with someone else’s life, only my own.

My partner’s life may be a joy for them, but it can never be a joy for me, and my lack of joy will deplete their fulfilment and their contentment.

When my partner shares their life with me and I share my life with my partner, we have a sharing relationship together that is expansive.

We are each free to follow our own paths and free to support each other on our own path, and free to accept the opportunities that life presents to us seperately and together.

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