
In a spiritually unawakened world, where everyone is disconnected from their own source of emotional power & mental authority, everyone needs help. Anyone who is lost, confused & frustrated in their life needs help. Being lost, confused & frustrated is a problem that everyone needs help to solve. The problem is compounded when help is confused with service.

Being in service to others supplies what they need physically & emotionally, when they need it. Unfortunately, this doesn’t solve the problem, it just meets their needs, so it doesn’t really help. Solving problems doesn’t make the problem go away and meeting needs doesn’t make the needs go away. We remain lost, confused and frustrated with the problem of not getting what we need and so are those who try and help.

When I service a problem it remains a problem, with or without a solution. Many spend most of their time solving other people’s problems and they see themselves as being of service. Serving other people keeps them disconnected, unawakened and unaware of their own beneficial and problem free path in life, which doesn’t help.

My true journey through life is a spiritual adventure that is guided and supported, so that it is potentially problem free. Ironically, other people are not there to show me the way but to show me when, where and how I am off track.

Problems only occur when I cannot see my own personal connection to my inner guidance & support. When I am lost, confused & frustrated, external help will never give me the clarity, direction & presence that I need to truly re-align my perspective. When I have clarity, direction & presence, I am connecting with my source of inner guidance & support, which provides my true perspective.

True Service is Self Service, which is truly selfish. It is being in spiritual alignment with my True Self. Paradoxically, my true Self is the one that both leads me on my path and follows my path. My ego sense of physical Self is on track when guided & supported by my spiritual sense of Soul.

The Soul guides & supports its Self on its journey through life, always and in all ways. The Soul is always in service to its Self. When I intuitively know, feel & see that my Soul is always in service to its Self, I do not need any external help. Other people are then only there to show me when I am off track, not when I am on track.

To allow the Soul to be of service to my Self, I am required to be of service to my Soul. True Service is an experience shared equally by the Soul & the Self. It is a mutually beneficial co-operation of spiritual endeavour, with the sole intention of discovering, exploring and experiencing Life in a beneficial way. The Soul always serves up opportunities in life, never problems.

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