
The purpose of my Self is to Serve my Soul.

When my ego self serves its self and not its Soul, it is being self-serving and selfish.

When my ego self serves others for the benefit of its self, it is being pleasing and unselfish.

When lost in duality, my self is acting in a drama called ‘The Master & Servant’.

A servant or slave always serves its master.

My Self is not a servant of its master, my Soul.

My Soul is beyond the dual reality drama of relative physical existence.

My Soul seeks for its Self to be equal to its Soul, so that it becomes equal to its Self, not its Master.

The Soul gives to its Self choice, not orders.

My Soul seeks for its Self to Master its Service, not to become a servant of its master.

The purpose of my self is to become a master in service to its Self, which is to become as its Soul is.

My Soul is always in service to my Self. It is never not in service to myself.

I Master Life once I become in Service to my Soul.

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