Sensual Love

Sensual Love is an attraction of similar polarities of mental energy.

The attraction of like polarities of energy is not sex specific.

It is two people sharing a sensual experience irrespective of their sexual orientation.

Sensual love is sharing any positive experience of pleasure.

Sexual love can be a very sensual experience.

A potentially painful experience can also be very sensual.

Sharing extremely dangerous experiences with another can be very sensual.

Polarity is the direction in which an energy vibration is flowing.

Whether that direction is positive or negative is a purely subjective experience.

Flowing in unison with another is the harmony of sensual love, irrespective of the direction.

It is being in tune with another’s thoughts & feelings.

It is sharing the pleasure of meeting each other’s emotional needs in a sexual or non-sexual way.

Extreme acts of sensual love or pleasure are often confused with the pursuit of erotic sex.

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