
Sensitivity is being actively sensitive.

Being actively sensitive is being aware of other people’s emotional states of being.

Being aware of other people’s emotional states of being allows my detachment from their dramas.

Detachment from the dramas of others allows my connection to my exclusive path.

When I allow other people to follow their own path they do not interfere with my ability to follow my own path.

Without sensitivity, my detachment becomes my disconnected insensitivity.

Insensitivity is acting in ignorance of another’s emotional state of being.

Being too sensitive is the effect of my attachment to other people’s dramas.

My emotional needs, my dependency on others & my attachment to others sub-consciously pull me into other people’s dramas, to which I become either over sensitive or I become insensitive.

Positively balanced sensitivity allows compassion.

Detachment without disconnection allows positive empathy.

Negative sensitivity is called sympathy.

Insensitivity is experienced as negative apathy.

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