Sensitively Detached

Sensitively Detached is the state of being with which I choose to relate to the world.

Detachment is how I connect with other people without becoming attached to them.

I connect to other people as a part of my service to humanity.

I do not choose to be disconnected from what is occurring in my life.

I am attached to what is occurring in my life when I am part of the drama that is playing out in my life.

I get pulled into and attached to other people’s dramas when I need other people for my emotional energy.

It is my need for emotional energy that attaches me to another and disallows my state of being detached.

It is my false and limiting beliefs about other people that disconnects me from them and makes me insensitive to them.

Sensitivity requires the understanding of where other people are emotionally in order to relate to them well.

Relating well with another requires sensitive detachment.

My insensitive disconnection that created my aloofness was never a good state of being in relationship to others.

When being sensitively detached with other people my relationships are always beneficial.

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