
Senses are how I experience or make sense the physical world.

I am conscious of my five physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell & touch.

The more developed my senses are, the more sensual & the more rational is the physical experience.

I can also experience the physical world intuitively.

I am aware of my three intuitive senses of feeling, knowing & seeing.

The more developed is my intuition, the more sensitive I am mentally & emotionally to my physical experience.

Blocking my intuition renders me either insensitive or too sensitive to my personal awareness.

When I am insensitive, I have no awareness of my intuitive feeling of my spiritual connection.

When I am too sensitive, over-sensitive or hyper sensitive; I am unable to channel my emotional feelings, which become irrational & ungrounded.

A sense of awareness is only a blessing when I am able to ground my spiritual connection in a rational way.

An irrational sense of awareness is a curse.

My conscious-awareness, used with both rational & emotional intelligence, allows the most beneficial use of all my senses.

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