Self Worth & Self Importance

Self Worth is a measure of my True Value.

My true value is the worth of my Self.

My worth is how much I truly value my Self.

My true worth is an expression of who I really am.

My value is an expression of who I am being.

I am not always worthy of expressing my true value.

The value that I express is not always my true worth.

Self Importance is a measure of who I believe myself to be.

It is a measure of what I believe to be important to myself.

When I do what is important in order to have what is important, I believe myself to be important.

It is important for myself to do what I need to do to meet my need for emotional energy.

Emotional energy is important for myself to be important.

The ability to use other people to meet my need for emotional energy makes me feel important.

I will never find my true worth in other people.

Other people will only ever be a true reflection of my unworthiness.

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