Self Worth

Self Worth is:

  • Feeling intuitively what is beneficial for me
  • Approving of who I am
  • Being aware of my true Identity
  • Being aware of my personality and character
  • Being heart-centred
  • Consciously meeting my own emotional needs
  • Hating nothing
  • Being aware of my life’s purpose
  • Depending on no-one
  • Being Well
  • Without judgement of Self or others
  • Loving who I am
  • Being Empowered
  • Being Inspired
  • Responsible for my own happiness
  • Thinking only positive thoughts about my Self
  • Thinking only positive thoughts about others
  • Living in abundance, being content with enough of everything
  • Being Joyful
  • Being worthy of and valuing everything that I receive
  • Never undervaluing others
  • Never belittling or patronising others
  • Having a positive outlook on life
  • Being a Human Being being human
  • Competing with no-one
  • Believing that love is the way
  • My power to be


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