Self Deception

Self Deception is the belief that my physical experience of life is the only reality.

I experience physical life through the media of my five physical senses, and I call this my reality.

I believe my reality to be real and whatever I believe to be real, I believe to be my truth. My truth is based on my personal experience of reality and what other people have told me is true.

I have been deceived into thinking that what other people tell me is true is the only version of reality.

I have been deceived by this universal belief that there is only one reality and that reality is what other people in authority have decided to be the truth.

I may believe that other people are being deceived by their own version of reality, but the only real deception is my own. The only true deception is the deception of the Self.

The deception of the Self is caused by the belief that the ego sense of Self is both causing and experiencing the effect of its own reality. The greatest deception is that either my ego or someone else’s ego is causing the version of reality that everyone is experiencing.

We have all been deceived into thinking that unless we make our own life happen, by choosing what we want for our Self, then we will be a victim of what other people decide is best for us.

My Self is deceived when it believes that my ego sense of Self has the power, authority & ability to choose its own reality.

Deceit is the absence of higher truth, which is the choice of the Soul. The Soul makes individual choices for each individual Self.

Each individual Self is deceived until it remembers its own personal, individual, unique & exclusive vision, purpose & mission for its life. Being born into physical life with no memory of my true Self or my Source, is a very neat trick and the grandest of Self deceptions.

Self deception is the belief that I am a physical entity having a physical experience of life.

Self deception is the belief that existence is an accidental occurrence and there is no meaning, reason or purpose for life.

Self deception is the belief that the ego is an entity with sovereign choice.

Self deception is the belief that as a creation, I am separate from my Creator.

Self deception is the consequence of believing that the Self is disconnected from its Soul Entity, which has sovereign choice.

When I realise, remember & intuit my vision, mission & purpose for my life, my self deception ends and I know beyond any shadow of doubt that life is not a trick or an illusion, but it is magic.

Life is a magic trick performed by the Soul on its Self. I can either join in and enjoy the performance or I can see my life as the illusion of a great deception.

Only a disconnected ego sense of Self can perceive itself as being deceived when it is the victim of being lost, confused and very frustrated.

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