
Self-Deception is believing my personal truth to be true.

When I believe my reality to be true, I am deceiving myself.

My reality is real, but it is not true.

Self-deception is created by the perspective of the ego self.

The ego self believes that the reality it is experiencing is true.

Yet reality is personal to each individual.

Personal reality is just that, personal to each individual person.

It is neither true nor false, just a personal reality created by the individual and experienced as real.

The deception is the belief that my personal reality is true for everyone.

Self deception is believing that I did not create my own reality.

It is believing that I just happened to be born into this reality along with everyone else.

When I believe that there is just one reality and I am at the fate of that reality, then I put myself in a box with all others who share this same belief.

When I believe that I create my own reality, I step out of that box in which everyone has become a victim of their own circumstances and beliefs.

I cannot create my own reality from within the boundaries of that box, I am required to attain a new perspective from outside of the box.

Thinking ‘outside of the box’ is the antidote to Self Deception.

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