Seeking & Finding

I am Seeking that which I have lost.

I seek my path in life when I believe that I am lost.

I believe that I am lost when I do not know the way.

It is my vision for my life that illuminates my path and shows me the way.

With a clear vision, I am found and no longer lost or confused.

Finding the vision that is my path gives my life purpose.

My vision is my picture of the ideal life that I have come to create.

My purpose is who I am required to be in order to live my vision and to create my life with reason & purpose.

When I understand my purpose, I am no longer a seeker of my vision but a finder of my purpose.

My purpose is to find my True Self because it is as my True Self and only as my True Self that I can live my Vision.

Once I am a seeker of my vision and a finder of my purpose, I become a Leader of my own Life.

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