Seeing & Sight

Seeing & Sight are different senses.

Most people believe that sight is the ability to see the physical world.

Sight is the primary physical sense with which, we physically see the world. Unless that is, we are blind.

Seeing is our intuitive sense with which, we see our spiritual world. Our spiritual world is an awareness of that which is not physical. In our three dimensional world, that which is not physical is either mental or emotional. Both mental energy and emotional energy are spiritual in nature.

I intuitively know my mental thoughts that are not my intellectual reasoning or rational thinking.

I intuitively feel my emotional sensations that are not physical experiences of touch.

I intuitively see in my Mind’s Eye, whatever I intuitively know & feel. My Mind’s Eye is the imagination of my Soul. It is a unique thought expressed as an image in my conscious mind. My creativity is my ability to see with imaginary awareness.

My sub-conscious mind records everything that it sees and experiences in my physical reality. My super-conscious mind projects images or visions of preferred choices into my conscious mind. I consciously see these visions or images as my imagination.

I know a thought, feel an emotion and see a vision in my imagination. My Mind’s Eye is my Imagination. My Third Eye is my window into different densities of consciousness that create different dimensions of reality.

I see the third dimension as a conscious density with my physical eyes. I see beyond the veil of physical reality to the unconscious densities of the mind with my third eye. My Soul has the ability to see in all dimensions of reality with all densities of consciousness. This is a potential that is only realisable through the conscious-awareness of its Self.

The Soul sees through the experience of its physical, mental & emotional Self. The Self sees through the experience of physical reality alone, until it learns to see from the perspective of its spiritually intuitive Soul.

  • I see physical reality with eye sight
  • I see into the past with hindsight
  • I see into the future with foresight
  • I see intuitively with insight

Sight is really a projection of the mind, you see!

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