Security & Protection

Security & Protection are often confused. I do not need to be secure to be protected and I do not need to be protected to feel safe.

Safety & security are often confused. When I am safe, I am not at risk or in danger. When I am secure, I am at risk of not being free and I danger of being controlled by my protector.

When I choose the protection of my own intuitive guidance, I am safe without being secure and I am protected without being controlled.

When I no longer choose to be controlled by other people, and I no longer choose to control other people, I am free to be in control of my own choices by being in control of my Self.

When I am in conscious control of my Self, I am aware that I am freely guided with complete safety, without any danger or risk.

When I am sub-consciously & instinctively driven to need both security & protection, it is because I am disconnected from my intuitive guidance, which keeps me safe & free without being securely bound.

“I am either bound to follow my instinctive programming or I am free to be intuitively guided by my truth”

  • I choose security to the detriment of my freedom
  • I choose protection to the detriment of my safety

When I am intuitively safe, I need no protection and when I am intuitively free, I need no security.

  • The more restricted my life is, the more insecurity that I have and the more protection that I need from other people
  • The more my life is controlled by other people, the less self control that I have and the more protection that I need from other people
  • The more security that I need from other people, the less freedom that I have and the more protection I need because of the less self control that I have

With my own intuitively guided Self in control, I am safely protected and I secure my freedom. With no need for protection from other people, I have no need for protection by other people. I am freely guided away from the need for security & protection, either by or from other people.

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