Second Nature

That which is Second Nature is instinctive and intuitive.

Instinct & intuition are my 2nd nature, or are they?

My first nature is the personality and the character of the role that I am playing out in life. My ego sense of self.

My second nature is my True Nature, unless that is, I have been programmed to act with a different nature.

When my True Nature has been overwritten by fears and limiting beliefs, my 2nd nature becomes my mental programming, and my true nature becomes my Third nature.

I have 3 natural ways of being, which are potentially 3 different natures. In my world everything comes in threes.

My 1st nature is my Conscious Self that adopts the personality and the character of who I believe my Self to be.

My 2nd nature is my autonomic sub-conscious Self that is driven by my emotional needs and programmed with my limiting beliefs and my fears.

My first and second natures create the conflict and dilemmas of my heart and my head.

My 3rd nature is my instinctive and intuitive Super-Conscious Self that is my Soul and my Inner Coach, my True Self and my True Nature.

When I am being my True Self, instinct and intuition are Second Nature, but I had to overcome my fears and limiting beliefs before I could realise it.

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