Science & Religion

Science is the study of physical reality.

Physical reality is created by the time, speed and distance (space between) of physical objects, which are made up of physical matter (atoms).

Religion is the study of spiritual reality (spirituality).

Spiritual Reality is created by spiritual Space and spiritual Time.

Religion, via religious texts and scriptures, refers to Spiritual Time as ‘Light’ and Spiritual Space as ‘Love’.

Spiritual Reality is called ‘Life’ and is the product of Spiritual Love and Spiritual Light.

The Spiritual Love and the Spiritual Light that is the Spiritual Reality of Spiritual life is not physical, it is the Spiritual Energy of Consciousness.

Spirit is ‘Energy’ not matter (nor the bi-product of matter).

Religion knows that all matter is created from Energy.

Science believes that all energy is created from matter.

Religion worships the power of the Spirit emotionally.

Science studies the effects of the Energy rationally.

Physical matter creates a physical reality and a physical existence.

Spiritual Energy (Spirit) is not physical and cannot be discerned with the physical senses. It is Intuitive and requires the use of our intuitive senses to comprehend it.

Science studies a life of physical reality that has a beginning called ‘birth’ and an end called ‘death’.

Religion studies the spiritual reality of Life that connects us to the power of Divine Love and the authority of Divine Light.

Both Science and Religion know that all matter is the physical manifestation of  ‘Spirit’ and that energy can never be destroyed. It just changes form.

Whether I have a scientific perspective of life or a religious view of Life depends on how I ‘See’ the reality in which I exist.

2 Replies to “Science & Religion”

  1. Do you mean:

    A spiritual life rather than a physical life?
    A religious life rather than a scientific life?
    An emotional life rather than a rational life?
    A superconscious existence rather than a conscious existence?
    A dream existence rather than a real life existence?
    An ungrounded existence rather than a grounded existence?
    A meditative state rather than an awake state?
    or something else?

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