Scarcity & Poverty

My Scarcity is created by my disconnection from my Abundance.

Scarcity and abundance are not a duality. Abundance is a Divine Attainment.

The opposite of scarcity is gluttony, which is the pursuit or indulgence of more than enough. It is having too much of anything.

Abundance is my natural essence and is attained by following my authorised path. Abundance is my provision and to attain it I am required to choose it and to allow it to become my reality.

My Poverty is created by my disconnection from my emotional power that is my True Wealth.

Poverty and wealth are not a duality. Wealth is a Divine Attainment.

The opposite of poverty is riches, which is an abundance of attachments and possessions.

I can have anything in abundance but it will not necessarily allow me to be Wealthy.

I am Wealthy when I am connected to my True Source of emotional power.

The attachments and possessions that make me rich will disconnect me from my True Power and make me poor.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man or a poor man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Neither scarcity nor gluttony, poverty nor material riches have a place in Paradise.

The path towards my Ideal World is paved with Abundance & Wealth. These are the signposts on my Journey.

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