
Scarcity is a belief, a perspective and an experience. The belief in scarcity causes the perspective of scarcity, which causes the experience of scarcity. When I believe that my experience of scarcity causes my perspective of scarcity, which convicts my belief; then scarcity becomes a reality that I cannot change. The reality of a scarcity mentality is the real experience of not having enough of what I want & need.

When I know intuitively that when I change my scarcity beliefs, I change my perspective and I change my experience, then my personal reality changes accordingly.

Scarcity is a fear, which is based on false evidence and appears to be real. Scarcity only appears in my experience when I believe it to be real. Although scarcity is a real experience, it is not based on a true perspective. It is a false perspective caused by the fear of a negative belief.

When I fear that there is not enough of something in my life, I cause my perspective of scarcity. When I experience not having enough in life, I convict my belief in scarcity.

When scarcity is a duality opposing abundance, I will either have too little or more than enough of everything in my life. Not enough is called scarcity. Too much is called extravagance. Enough of everything in life is abundance.

An abundant life always has enough of everything. With the abundance of enough of everything that I need, I am content. I can be happily content with a lot or very little. Either way, I have enough and my life is therefore, abundant. Wanting for nothing is the instantaneous way of being content with the abundance of enough.

Without enough, abundance eludes me and discontentment is my contrary experience. Without enough, I can never be content and happiness will escape my experience. I can be happy with very little as long as I am content with everything that I need.

  • Scarcity is a measure of not having enough
  • Extravagance is a measure of having more than enough
  • Abundance is the contentment of having enough

Scarcity is a perspective of life happening to me. Extravagance is a symptom of life happening by me. Abundance is the certainly beneficial experience of life happening through me.

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