Saving the Planet

Saving the Planet is unnecessary.

The planet is not in danger.

The planet Earth is a living organism with a life span of millions of earth years.

We are not destroying the planet.

However, in many ways we are making a mess of living on it.

What is in danger is the reality of life that we are creating on the planet.

Whether we are making it a better or a worse place to live is purely a matter of individual perspective.

Does technology improve our way of life, or is it detrimental?

Is an increasing population making the quality of life better or worse?

Human Beings appear to be incapable of saving the world from Human Beings.

Human Beings are the only threat that we face on this planet.

The planet Earth is quite capable of saving itself from anything that Man as a species can demand of it.

It takes only one small shift of the polar axis to cleanse everything that Man has created.

As simple as a duster on a chalk board.

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