Satisfaction & Contentment

Satisfaction & disappointment are a duality.

They are opposing perspectives of my level of contentment with what I have chosen.

Satisfaction or disappointment is the result of my choice.

Whether I want what I have chosen or not, determines whether I am satisfied or I am disappointed.

When my choice meets my expectation, I am satisfied.

If my choice falls short of my expectation, I am disappointed.

The more options that are available for me to choose, the greater is my expectation of satisfaction and the greater is the potential for my disappointment.

The more options that I have, the more difficult it is to be happy with what I choose.

The more choice that I have, the higher my expectation becomes and the greater becomes the possibility of my disappointment.

Contentment is the 3rd Way between satisfaction and disappointment.

The path to Contentment is without Expectation.

Expectation is a future desire based on a past belief.

Expectation always lies in the future, whereas Contentment can only be experienced in each present moment.

I cannot be content in a state of expectation and I will not be satisfied unless my expectations are met exactly.

Satisfaction is dependent on expectation being achieved.

Contentment is attained once expectation has been overcome.

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