Rumours, Humours & Tumours

  • Rumours are mental
  • Humours are emotional
  • Tumours are physical

Rumours are a paradox of mental truth & untruth. They are the din & clamour of archaic myth with a modern repute. They seek the righteousness of fame out of the wrongness of shame. They can be right or wrong, true or false, malignant or benign.

  • A false malignant rumour is called idle gossip
  • A true benign rumour is an inspired revelation

An indirect utterance is called a murmur, as it has no distinct polarity.

The polarity of a mental thought energy is a personal choice. We each have a personal choice as to whether a rumour is true or false. It can be a fearful limiting belief or a faithfully inspired revelation. Everything that I am told or taught is a rumour that requires my verification of its intellectual, intuitive & instinctive integrity. Only then can I see the truth of the rumour as a personal fact of my reality.

Intuitive insight aligns me with my truth with absolute certainty. My intuition is always certain as long as I am certain the rumour is intuitive. Many rumours align with the noisy turmoil of my subconscious conscience. When the din & clamour of my thinking is silenced, my intuitive thoughts are allowed to emerge. Releasing my conviction to a false belief allows my truth to be revealed.

Past medical practice adopted the rumours of the Humours to be true. In the 16th century, a humour was rumoured to be a fluid liquid that caused an unbalanced physical condition. It was an emotional mood causing an unreasonable change of mind, which they deemed to be either a folly or a vice. You were diagnosed as being either a bigot or an idiot. The four mental Humours were:

1. Blood

2. Phlegm

3. Yellow Bile

4. Black Bile

They evolved to become four emotional Humours, being:

1. Sanguine

2. Phlegmatic

3. Choleric

4. Melancholic

The rumour is that the humour was the emotional experience of a mental influence. Emotional humours are consistent with mental rumours. How we think determines how we feel.

  • Blood became the sanguine nature of extravagant gluttony
  • Phlegm became the phlegmatic nature of idle sloth
  • Yellow bile became the choleric nature of angry wrath
  • Black bile became the melancholic nature of depressed lust

Humour became seen as a sinful vice rather than a virtuous folly. It evolved to become a treatment for ailments by releasing the folly of our sins. Folly became the humour of comic fools & clowns. It still reveals a healthy dose of emotional release, through laughter.

  • Black humour reveals sarcasm, cynicism & irony
  • Yellow humour reveals blame, shame & humiliation
  • White humour reveals droll, slothful, lazy incompetence
  • Red humour reveals the passionate intensity of pain & pleasure

Humour can reveal the mental folly of our sub-conscious thinking but without releasing the sins of our emotional vice, they can continue to fester under the surface. Murmurs of laughter remain indistinct until they become emotional tears of joy.

Humours are an emotional energy. That is the current mental rumour.

So, are Tumours a physical energy?

Is physical energy the manifestation of mental & emotional energy?

Modern medicine does not believe that physical matter is an energy. They either ignore or deny the rumour. It has taken four centuries to accept the rumour that good humour releases stuck emotional energy, which allows us to feel better. Unless I cry with laughter, I will cry with pain. I always have a choice of truth or untruth (rumour) and a choice of pain or pleasure (humour). So what is a Tumour?

A spiritual rumour has defined it as: The realisation in physical form of the false formation of mental information in a negative emotional void. It is a physical disorder characterised by mental & emotional agitation. It is the real occurrence of a mental untruth & an emotional fiction as a physical fixation. It is a physical disorder caused by a mental folly with an emotional vice.

All of the above is a rumour, which may be personally true or untrue. The choice is yours. Do not be swayed emotionally by my mental influence. I am revealing the truth of a dramatic trauma that is personal to me. Your truth will lead you to the realisation of your own healthy existence, as will mine. I believe that my truth is my truth and your truth is your truth and I do not choose to influence your choice in anyway detrimental to yourself. It is for you to find your truth and express it modestly to yourself without either folly or vice.

  • Wit is the best humour
  • Truth is the best rumour
  • Love is the best armour

A Tissue of Lies is a Tumour.

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