
A Reveller is one who Reveals.

One who reveals a revelation revels in the revealing of that revelation.

The elation of the reveller is revealed by the revelation.

A New Age Reveller revels in the revelations revealed in the new Age of Aquarius.

A New Year Reveller celebrates the birth of a new year and the death of a past year.

A New Age Reveller revels at the opportunities that a new year offers.

To the unawakened, unaware & disconnected revellers, the new year is a good excuse to party and imbibe alcohol & drugs, which further dull their sense of being lost, confused & frustrated.

They awaken only to a new day, with a hang over from the previous year without any elation or revelation.

To the awakened, aware & connected Reveller, every new year, new month or new day reveals an opportunity for the further expansive development & growth of their Soul.

Daily revelations allow a New Age Reveller to orient their life along an effortless path of valuable opportunity, on the personal journey of their own unique destiny in these new enlightened & revealing times.

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