
Respect means: “Having a high regard for”.

When I have a high regard for others, I respect them.

When I have a high regard for my self, I have self-respect.

Whatever I hold in high esteem, I have a high regard for.

I need respect from other people when I do not hold my Self in high esteem.

Low self-esteem creates a need to be respected.

Self-respect is how I ‘see’ or regard my Self.

The more power and authority that I own, the more respect that I have for my Self.

Self-respect is a measure of my esteemed ability.

My ability creates my self-esteem and is the product of my personal power and authority.

I cannot respect my Self when I follow someone else’s authority.

I cannot respect my Self when I need someone else’s power.

When I attain a high regard for my Self, I will no longer need any one else’s respect.

The degree to which I respect my Self is the degree to which I am able to respect others.

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