Resisting Allowing

Both anger (impatience) and patience will resist my state of being Allowing.

I cannot manifest or create what my ego is resisting and disallowing.

Patience and impatience block the Law of Attraction because they are both unattractive states of being.

When I am being impatient, I am focusing on what I want and do not have.

Focusing on what I do not have brings more of what I do not have and I will become more and more impatient with what is not turning up.

When I am being patient, I am waiting for what I believe I do not already have to arrive and I am still focusing on what I do not yet have.

In either case I am disallowing its arrival with the belief that I do not yet have it as it has not yet arrived.

When I know that it already exists and that it has already arrived, I can receive it by changing my mind and my perspective and therefore my state of being.

I then attain vibrational resonance with what I am realising and manifesting.

It will materialise when I can see that it is already here.

When I realise that it is already here, it becomes real in my reality and I can see it, feel it and know it to be so.

When I stop being patient and stop being impatient, I become allowing and all my resistance disappears.

Allowing is a state of being, not an action to be taken.

Taking action to get what I want is an affirmation that I do not have it and resists my allowing it to manifest.

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