
Life is designed to flow effortlessly and expansively.

When life becomes an effort and is contractive, I experience resistance.

Resistance is not caused by life, it is caused by me.

Resistance is the effect of the negative beliefs that I hold about my life.

Life flows effortlessly with power and expansively with authority.

Expansiveness requires change to be accepted.

Effortlessness requires my allowance of that change.

When I tolerate change instead of accepting it, I experience a resistance called inertia.

An unchanging reality becomes ‘inert’.

My absence of authority and choice creates an intolerable friction in my life called entropy.

Resisting a changing reality causes the chaotic symptoms of entropy.

My intolerance of life is my resistance to change and new choices.

When I disallow life flowing to me, I disconnect from my power and experience resistance.

My absence of power to change that what I am resisting to change creates a friction called ‘anger’.

Anger is my disappointment that life is not flowing to me the way that I expect it to.

Resistance is always the effect of my Self resisting my Soul’s choice.

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