
Resentment is the negative emotion that I feel when I am not accepting my Destiny.

Resentment is the feeling that I am not allowed to have what I think is best for my Self.

What I think is best for me is what my ego self wants and desires.

When I do not receive what I want, I feel resentment.

Resentment is the desire to have what has arrived, re-sent, because it is not well received.

My resentmentment is my sub-conscious way of expressing my ego’s dissatisfaction at what has been received.

I will express resentment to any person that I am able to judge as guilty and blame for not allowing what I want to become mine.

Once I allow my life path to flow effortlessly and I become accepting of what ever turns up, everything I receive is perfect, I have no need for anything to be re-sent, and resentment is an emotion that is no longer expressed or felt.

I cannot resent that which I accept as an opportunity and a gift.

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