Remembering My Vision

Remembering my Vision for my Life requires a spiritual connection with the source of my vision.

The Soul is the innovative, inventive, imaginative & creative source of every personal, individual & unique vision for life. Every individual vision that the Soul imagines for its Self is experienced in physical reality by an individual Self.

An Individual Self is called a Human Being. Being human is the experience of being an individual spiritual Self in physical incarnation.

The Soul Entity currently has over 7 billion individual different aspects of its Self experiencing human existence with their own unique vision for their life. This allows the Soul potentially seven billion ways of experiencing its Self through physical existence.

My ego sense of Self is just one of seven billion different perspectives of physical reality, which may or may not remember its current vision for its life. Living my vision for my life with spiritual awareness requires a spiritual sense of intuition.

My spiritual intuitive senses are how my Soul communicates with its Self.

My physical senses are how I communicate with other incarnate physical Beings. With my physical sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell & touch, I experience the physical reality of being a separate entity.

With my intuitive spiritual senses of seeing, feeling & knowing, I experience my connection to the source of my Beingness and my spiritual origins. Intuition connects me with spirit. Physicality separates me from spirit.

Separated from spirit, I forget my spiritual vision for my life. Remembering my vision for my life requires my reconnection with spirit via my sense of intuition.

My Soul creatively imagined my vision for its Self and remembering my vision for my life requires my reconnection to my creative imagination. I cannot continue to re-imagine my vision without my intuitive spiritual senses. I intuitively see my vision for my life as an image of my imagination.

When my imagination becomes disconnected by my perspective of physical reality, I lose my sense of intuition and I forget my vision for my life.

Remembering my vision for my life gives my life purpose. I remember the meaning of life and the reason I am here. Without the fulfilment of my vision, I will not feel the joy of being content with my innately happy life.

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