Remember, Remind, Reprogramme

Other people remind me, when I have forgotten what they wish me to remember. I have become programmed by other people’s beliefs, standards and boundaries.

I Remember what is stored in my sub-conscious memory.

I Remind my Self when I Remember what is stored in my super-conscious mind.

When I Remind my Self of my Truth, I am required to Reprogramme my truth into my sub-conscious memory, otherwise I will forget and I will need to be reminded in future.

Once I have Reminded my Self of my Truth and Reprogrammed my Truth my Self, I will then Remember my Truth that I had once forgotten.

Memories are programmed into my sub-conscious memory as programmes.

These programmes become the beliefs and the standards that determine my behaviour.

When I am unable to Remember to choose my Truth, I need to Remind my Self of my Truth and then Reprogramme my Truth, so that my behaviour is always an expression of my Truth.

2 Replies to “Remember, Remind, Reprogramme”

  1. The Truth about your Self is your perspective as seen by your True Self, Real Self, Higher Self, Soul or whatever you call that Divine Aspect of who you really are.
    Your Truth is what you know intuitively to be True for you.
    What I see, feel and know intuitively is my Real Truth. What I experience and have knowledge of in this physical world, I may believe to be my true reality but it is not my Real Truth.
    I reprogramme my beliefs that I believe to be true by challenging and asking the question: “Is this my Truth?” or “Is this Really True for Me”?
    It is not the answers that a Seeker of Truth requires but the questions. We already have the answers, what we need are the questions that allow us to access and remember the answers.
    Keep asking the questions and the answers, your Truth, will be revealed.

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