Religious Faith

Religious Faith is an oxymoron.

Religion is following the teaching of the Faith of another.

Jesus had Faith in his own path not the path of another.

Jesus had no religion, he renounced his jewish faith.

Those who have Faith in their own path do not trust the teachings of religious leaders.

Faith is the act of following one’s own path.

When I am faithfully following my own path, I am full of Faith.

When I am inclusively following the path of a religion, I trust that the teachings will show me the way.

Following a religious path requires trust not Faith.

Following my own Spiritual Path requires Faith not trust.

Faith and trust are not the same thing.

Mistrusting the path of another is not the same as being unfaithful to my own path.

When I become unfaithful to my religious path, I will find my True Spiritual Path.

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