
A Religion originates as one Man’s perspective of their own spiritual path.

One who clearly leads in their own spiritual way attracts followers to their path.

When a group of followers or disciples continue to follow that path after their leader’s death, a religion forms.

Religion is a dogma & a doctrine formed from the spiritual teachings of a charismatic leader.

It is a carefully presented spiritual package for the unawakened spiritual egos of its followers.

Unaware of their own unique path in life, followers seek a path authorised by the religious leaders of a religion.

Religious followers follow a religion religiously.

Religious leaders express an inclusive attachment to their religious teachings.

A true spiritual leader has an exclusive connection to their own spiritual vision for their life.

Religious leaders are the guardians of the dogma & doctrine of their particular sect, section or denomination, which express their beliefs about how their religion should be practiced.

Spiritual leaders follow their own faith, whereas religious leaders follow their beliefs about their faith in another’s spiritual path.

Religion is based on beliefs, whereas true spirituality is a personal faith based on a personal set of truths.

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