Release, Deliver, Cleanse

Release, Deliver, Cleanse is a three step process to Purify the mental, emotional & physical emanations of our spiritual aura.

1. Releasing a false mental rumour requires courage to overcome:

  • The anxiety of a false opinion
  • The fear of an untrue belief
  • The terror of a negative conviction

False opinions, beliefs & convictions are relative negative emanating intensities of untrue rumours. Courage is the emotional power to confront one’s own inner raging conflict. It is not to be confused with bravery, which is the will power to deny cowardice. We instinctively face external conflict with either a brave fight or a cowardly flight. Brave denial is in conflict with cowardly ignorance. Neither has the courage to overcome one’s own negative mental convictions. It takes a relative degree of courage to confront, challenge & change a negative opinion, a fearful belief and a terrifying conviction.

2. Delivering a stuck emotional humour is a serious challenge, as it always involves a degree of pain. The degree of pain is relative to the degree of conviction. A very high pain threshold is required to meet the challenge of changing a deep conviction. When I see pain as a problem, it will defeat me, unless I face it with courage. When I see pain as a challenge, it will defeat me unless I courageously meet the challenge. When I see pain as an opportunity to deliver a stuck emotion, I overcome a challenging problem. When I admit the lie, I remit the pain. The opportunity to relieve the pain of a stuck emotional humour is to ‘laugh in the face of adversity’. Becoming addicted to pain relieving medication is no fun and a serious problem. Being convicted by a fearful mental belief is a painful emotional experience. Delivering the negative influence of a painful experience allows the opportunity of a healthy existence. It requires mental courage (wisdom) to release the fear and emotional courage (love) to deliver the pain.

3. Cleansing the spiritual aura occurs on a mental, an emotional & a physical level. My aura is an emanation of my essential nature. It is the essence of my spiritual persona. It is an intrinsic and distinctive, yet intangible, personal quality and the sum total of an Individual’s mental, emotional & physical expression. I cannot positively cleanse the negative physical body without first delivering negativity through the emotional body and I cannot deliver the emotional body without first releasing the negativity of the mental body. It is a three stage process of:

  • Releasing the negative Rumour
  • Delivering the negative Humour
  • Cleansing the negative Tumour

I express the mental influence of my emotional experience in physical existence.

  • False influential beliefs deliver bad emotional humour causing negative, detrimental tumour
  • True wisdom delivers a wealth of positive humour (wit) as a positively healthy beneficial existence

A truly healthy physical existence is the wealthy emotional experience of a wise mental influence, in the spirit of Pure Wellbeing.

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