Release, Deliver & Cleanse

Release, Deliver & Cleanse are the three aspects of my journey towards Health.

Negative experiences create negative beliefs, which create negative emotions that eventually create a negative physical state of being.

The Three Stage Journey to Health starts with releasing stuck emotions by changing limiting beliefs that are held as negative mental energy.

Releasing the past allows the present to be delivered.

I deliver in the present moment a true reflection of who I am as a representation of my state of Health.

My Health is a reflection of the aspects of my Self that I deliver and present in each present moment.

Delivering the highest aspects of my Self in the present allows me to cleanse my future.

Whatever I appreciate in the present, spiritually grows in my future.

When I focus on delivering a present that has released my past, I create a cleansed and healthy future for my Self.

In every moment of time I can see my Self appreciating and getting better.

A Healthy Life requires a healthy perspective of life.

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