Regulate & Moderate

Regulate & Moderate are not the same.

I regulate or moderate my experience of life with my choice of focus. When I focus on the intensity of my experience, I attract that intensity as my experience. When I focus on the potential of my experience, I allow it to be fulfilled.

The intensity of my energetic vibration is relative to the polarity of my thinking and the gender of the feelings it invokes. When I feel strong, the focus of my thinking is male assertive energy and my action is by me. When I feel weak, the focus of my thinking is passive female compliance and things happen to me. I can be a strong hero or a weak victim, in alignment with how I regularly think.

I regulate my thinking & my emotional response to appear stronger or weaker, more assertive or more complaisant. Regular thinking is normal but does not express my true nature. I regulate my thinking relative to the intensity of my normal experience.

Moderating my thoughts brings my experience of life into balance & harmony. When I balance the gender of my emotion & harmonise the intensity of my actions, I experience a choice of neutral polarity and life flows effortlessly through me.

Any positive or negative polarity that I experience is because of the direction of my perspective and my judgment of whether it is beneficial or detrimental for me. The polarity of my judgment discerns it to be either good or bad or right or wrong for me.

When I choose to allow only moderate thoughts, I do not need to regulate my thinking as my action is always balanced in its gender, neutral in its polarity and therefore harmonious in its potential.

In a dual reality world, the more intense the experience, the less potential benefit that is experienced. The only benefit of a regular intensity is to find the balance between the extremes of emotional expression.

There is always a moderate benefit, never an extreme benefit, when I find the balance of harmonious neutrality as a Third way. My balanced choice between weakness & strength is neutral & harmonious Gentleness. My third way between hard & easy is the balance of Effortless Flow. Effortlessness always flows gently and Gentleness always flows effortlessly. Whereas I regulate my effort, I choose Gentleness & Effortlessness in moderation.

Instead of strongly assertive action happening by me or passive weak complaisance to life happening to me, I can choose a third way of life effortlessly and gently happening through me.

Bringing life into balance and harmony requires the moderation of the intensity of my dramatic experiences. When I neutralise the intensity of the vibration of my mental polarity and emotional gender, I balance the potential of my emotional power and my mental authority. It is with true mental authority that I am empowered to act with moderation.

Regulating my intensity keeps me on a roller-coaster ride of high & low dramas, which are hard or easy, cool or heated, positive or negative and painful or pleasurable.

Moderating my intensity allows a naturally neutral, gently effortless flow of beneficial potential to become evidently apparent through my own personal choice.

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