
Reflection is the process of reflecting on past events to analyse what went well and what did not.

What I am reflecting on, I am focusing my attention on and what I focus my attention on, I create as my future reality.

When I am reflecting on my positive attributes and attainments, I am being in gratitude and appreciation for what has occurred and this will expand my personal development and growth.

Reflecting on my negative situation is called problem solving and this will never make my life problem-free. It just puts bigger and bigger problems into my future. The more I focus on my problems the more they appreciate and grow.

Reflecting on my reflection is my best opportunity for personal growth.

My reflection is the state of being that I am reflecting to other people. By the Law of Attraction, my reflection is a reflection of other people’s state of being and their reflection is a reflection of my state of being.

I see who I am being as a reflection of other people. Other people are reflecting to me who I am being. Whether my reflection is good or bad is just my personal judgement.

On Reflection, I always have the opportunity to change my mind and thereby change what I am reflecting to others.

Reflecting on what others are reflecting to me is the best focus of my reflection.

My outer world experiences are a reflection of my inner state of being. When I change my perspective of life, a new reality manifests as my new reflection. Others then see me reflected in a new Light.

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