
Redemption is the purpose of the Redeemer.

The Redeemer is the One who redeems their Life’s Purpose.

To deem is to see and discern.

The Redeemer re-views the choices that thay have made for their Self for this life-time.

To deem it necessary is to see the choice that it is necessary to take in order to follow the right path for my Self.

Redemption requires:

  • The ability to choose with discernment
  • The ability to see with the eyes that cannot see
  • The ability to visualise the path of my Destiny
  • The acceptance of my path without question
  • The understanding that my Soul is unconditionally forgiving

Redemption is the knowing that my Soul has forgiven my Self its sin, for it is my fate to follow a dual reality existence in this relative world of contrasting opposites until I become my own Redeemer.

As a Redeemer I have chosen this life path for the Soul purpose of re-deeming who I really am.

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